christian leadership enablers' network (clen)*
* CLEN is the provisional name of the Network – to be agreed
Church and other Christian ministry leaders need all the help they can get to lead wisely and well in this turbulent age.
We believe that those of us involved in enabling leaders could be more effective if we worked together to support them. We need to enable leaders who make disciple-making disciples, raise up new leaders and engage people in social action.
More can be achieved if we share ideas, support one another and strengthen each other’s passion for effective leadership.

Who is the Network for?
This Network is for those who are passionate about enabling, developing, and supporting those involved in church and ministry leadership.
Our vision is that as a Network we can enhance and strengthen our individual offerings and discover opportunities for working together to extend the reach of Christian leadership development across the UK.
We are conscious that many church denominations and networks already have some leadership development activities in place. We would want to explore ways we can collectively complement and enhance what is already provided rather than compete with any of these.
What is CLEN's purpose?
We want CLEN to serve its members’ needs and aspirations to enable truly effective Christian leadership. At CLEN’s inaugural meeting we would involve all that are interested in becoming members in deciding how the Network would work: its priorities, strategy, focus and goals.
However, these are our initial thoughts:
Setting up a Steering Group that agrees the name of the Network.
Organising three or four 90-minute online meetings per year starting Autumn 2024.
Updating each other on what we are currently providing in the field of Christian leadership development.
Finding out what Network members need to enable leaders effectively.
Identifying key leadership development priorities for Church and Christian ministry leaders
Sharing ideas for enhancing our offerings, individually and collectively.
Tackling challenges we face as developers of leaders in Christian ministry.
If there is appetite and capacity, we could also potentially convene events where we meet in person to build relationships and support and challenge one another in our work.

What would Enabled Leaders' Role be in CLEN*?
We would propose being coordinators of this Network, covering the costs of online meetings and hosting a ‘Noticeboard’ of leadership development events run by its members which are open to all.
What to do if you are interested in joining CLEN*...
Simply sign up using this form and we'll be in touch!
* CLEN is the provisional name of the Network – to be agreed